Friday, May 31, 2013

Happy Birthday, Alonzo!

Poor Pluto Stories

Planetarium Field Trip

We went to TCC's Planetarium.  First, we saw the sun.

Then we went to Mercury.

Then we saw Venus.

We immediately recognized Earth.

Mars is a rusty red planet.

We traveled through the asteroid belt.

Jupiter is the first of the gas planets.

We also saw Pluto, but it is no longer a planet, it is now a dwarf planet!

Then we saw Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Memorial Day Tribute to Sean's Dad

When we came to school after Memorial Day, we had a discussion about what Memorial Day means.  The children knew that Sean's dad died in service to his country.  The children asked if they could make cards for Sean to show they appreciated that his dad fought to keep us safe and free.