Monday, April 28, 2014


The children went to see the Kindergarten and Transition students' assembly on Australia. After watching their presentation, we wrote them notes to tell them how much we enjoyed being invited and we told them what we learned during the show.

Poetry - Mentor Texts

We are beginning a unit on poetry. The children use mentor texts to help them create their poems. After the children read the mentor text, the teacher models how to write a poem based on the mentor text and then the children take a turn.  See the teacher models and then the students' efforts below:

Mia's Birthday Book

In honor of Mia's summer birthday, her grandparents gave a book to the Lower School Library. Mia was thrilled to get this book from her grandparents!

Letter Writing - Flat Stanley

We are using the Flat Stanley Worldwide Adventures books created by Jeff Brown as a basis to learn about different continents. After Flat Stanley's adventure at Mount Rushmore, Flat Stanley mailed himself back home. The children in this classroom each wrote a letter to a family member or friend of their choosing. Here are some of the children who have already received letters back from their family member or friend!

William Wordsworth - I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

The poem I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud by William Wordsworth is a beautiful poem to read, especially in the spring time. We read the poem as a class and explored the old English, the vocabulary, and after a discussion, each of the children painted the scene they thought Wordsworth was describing in his poem.

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea projects

The children all explained why they had chosen a particular scene from the story and its relevance to them. As you can see, the children's visual representations of their favorite scene from the book were all wonderfully varied and very creative!

Mrs. Still - Mystery Reader

Abigail's mom came to be a Mystery Reader. She read a couple of spring time and Easter stories to our class.