Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Mrs. Owens teaches about the Mayan Culture

As we are starting to study continents, Mrs. Owens came in to give us an overview of the Mayan culture.  Carlson and his family have been to see the Mayan pyramid.  Above you can see that a Mayan calendar shows 365 days. The children found where we live on a map that Mrs. Owens brought to school.  We passed around money from many different countries.  We learned how Christopher Columbus was looking for a faster way to India and accidentally discovered us, and we we also learned that people are often motivated by money to travel to new places for work.  In the United States, lots of people traveled to California to search for gold. We looked at the Mayan alphabet and learned that their are some letters or words that we still don't know exactly what they mean.

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