Friday, February 1, 2013

Visitors from Turkey

We were very fortunate to have visitors from a high school in Turkey come to our class for 45 minutes and teach us about Turkey.  One of these students told us that his home is in Europe but his school is in Asia.  Every day he gets to drive on the school bus across the bridge from Europe to Asia and then back to Europe every evening.  The children had read ahead of the visit that Turkey was very close to Europe, but they had no idea that a student could visit Asia and Europe every day!  We also learned about Ramadan and what it is like to fast.  We saw pictures of the private school these students attend - it is 162 years old.  We saw pictures of camels that are found in parts of Turkey.  We looked at some beaches and the greenery around Istanbul.  We learned that Istanbul has suburbs just like Washington D.C.  In May, all schools in Turkey have an Olympic Day where they play sports all day.  We also learned that the main sports of their school are Football (soccer), American Football, Rugby and Frisbee.  The students play with PlayStations, X-Boxes and Wiis.  They watch American movies and eat and drink many of the same foods and drinks.  They say that Coke is not as sweet in Turkey and they don't have sugary drinks like Gatorade!

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