Monday, November 11, 2013

Veterans Day Visit

CDR Ed Sheppard, USCG (Jocelyn's dad) came to visit the children today to tell them about being a rescue pilot in the U.S. Coast Guard.  He told the children about three important roles the Coast Guard plays - search and rescue (people), marine animal protection and environmental protection and cleanup.  The children learned how to "call 911" from a boat  - go to Channel 16 and say Mayday.  They also learned about how you might be rescued at sea by a Coast Guard helicopter.  Rescue Swimmers jump out of the helicopter and into the water.  Children are rescued first.  Sometimes they are pulled up on a harness and sometimes a basket is deployed.  The children got to sit in the rescue basket.  The whole class also participated in a skit where two students pretended to be the pilot and co-pilot searching for someone who needed rescuing in the water.  One of the children was a rescue swimmer who carried the victim to the basket!  It was a wonderful experience for the children, so thanks to CDR and Mrs. Sheppard for a fantastic presentation and giving each of the children a Coast Guard coloring book and magnet too.

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