Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A little tour of our classrooms for our penpals in Taiwan

We decided to give our friends in Taiwan a tour of our school.

This is the gym we were do Physical Education (P.E.) every day for 30 minutes.

Below is Charlie.  He is holding a holiday card he made in the classroom.  We are sending holiday cards to troops who are serving overseas.

Above, some children in Prekindergarten leaving the baseball field after recess.
Below, this is our class standing in front of the playground where we have recess for 30 minutes a day.

We eat lunch in the cafeteria.  We call our Cafeteria Cafe Dolphin.  Our school mascot is a dolphin.

There are three first grade classes.  We sit on four tables and a teachers sits and eats lunch with each of the children.

This is the Lower School library.  We go here for thirty minutes a week, listen to stories and get to check out a book.  If the children want to, they are allowed to check out more books during the week.

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