Tuesday, November 26, 2013

We researched Taiwan

We looked for Taiwan on the map of the world.  We saw that Taiwan is an island close to China.  We watched a video on Taiwan and learned a lot of information.  The capital is Taipei and 2.6 million people live there.  It produces a lot of manufactured goods, not agriculture.  It is the largest producer of LCD screens in the world.  Over 90% of the world's laptops are produced in Taiwan.  Taiwan also has a traditional culture.  There is a building called Taipei 101 that is very tall.  One of the problems in Taiwan is the amount of plastic trash.  There are 90,000 tons a year of plastic trash - enough to fill three of the Taipei 101 buildings.  They are looking for solutions to their environmental problems.  They are trying to go green and build and run things using plastic.  They are trying to turn trash into architecture.

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