Monday, November 11, 2013

The Legend of the Bluebonnet

This is a beautiful Native American Legend that tells the story of a girl named She-Who-Is-Alone.  Her parents and grandparents have died due to a terrible famine.  The Shaman visits the Great Sky Spirit.  He tells the Shaman that the people have become selfish and they need to sacrifice their most valuable possession in order to bring much needed rain.  She-Who-Is-Alone sacrifices her warrior doll at night, made by her mother using feather from a Blue Jay given by her father.  This is the only item she has from her family and is truly her most valuable possession.  She-Who-Is Alone falls asleep on top of the hill after sacrificing her doll, and when she wakes up, the hill is covered by bluebonnet flowers, the rains come, and She-Who-Is-Alone is now known by the name One-Who-Dearly-Loved-Her-People.  The message is a beautiful one of personal sacrifice for the greater good of the community and the children had a wonderful discussion about the generosity of the girl in the story, and how they are blessed by having loving families.

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